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Family voice and choice

Family controls everything

Best Support

Get top support 365 days a year

Unlimited Document

Unlimited Documents with no usage limits

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What is different about Wraparound Kids?

Family voice and choice

The family owns the WAK account and chooses who will be involved. The family can store all documents, assessments, and reports. The family can upload photos, videos etc of person outcomes and demonstrate evidence of an issue or of a success.

Unconditional care

Despite challenges, the team will persist in working toward the goals in the plan.

Team based

The people on the team are decided by the need as assessed by the family or participant.

Outcome based

Success is measured by the process outcomes that can be monitored and evidenced by recorded data on the person’s account.

Natural supports

The team consists of any member of the person's personal and support system locally.

Culturally competent

The family’s cultural ties are vitally important so they can choose their supports from their own culture.


The team works together guided by the family/persons requirements. The plan may already exist, as in NDIS or mental health plan, and the team works within the framework of what the person’s expressed needs are. 

Community based

The services and support are ideally local and accessible. Video conferencing can assist in a specialised area of support e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist.

Wrap Around Kids

Case Scenario

Child has a diagnosis/developmental disorder. Also, complex psychosocial issues impact on the family. They have relocated from another state. No information was available at hand. Very little extended family support. Referred to GP. Followed an extended period of information gathering and communication with previous interstate clinical specialists, getting reports, and then referral to and discussion with local paediatricians and CAMHS, and local Support coordinator.

Further assessments were required, and medication treatment was initiated, and assessments were booked. 

This scenario indicates the time spent searching for information, frustration for the parent who had to repeat the information several times with no information at hand. It meant a delay in treatment and support for the family.


Introducing WAKOL.


Improved access to report and assessments and letters that can be stored on the account and retrievable any time via the website or phone app. 

Participants/family can then link service providers to the account to add reports and assessments for them.

Video and audio case conferencing is available within the platform and minutes can be taken directly into the account.

Ability to upload video and audio files that can be used by the team as part of assessment and decision making. The onus is taken off the parent telling the story. Supports individualised targeted treatments and strategies.

Resource library with current reputable best practice guidelines for staff and families.

Research goal: Website structured so data can be extracted to assess diagnoses, treatment, services involved and track progress in outcomes.

Schools: Data gathering and professional development within the program. Members of a team of professionals that can directly access support and strategies for the child. 

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Wrap Around Kids™ – NDIS SOFTWARE – provides students with:

Effective management for

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Hearing and visual impairment
  • Emotional and behavioural disorders
  • Intellectual disabilities and Physical disabilities
  • other medical conditions

Program provides families

  • A new level of understanding for parents and carers
  • Support in advocating for their child
  • Access to all information
  • Practical strategies and understanding of referral services
  • Secure centralised storage of assessments and reports using Wrap Around Kids OnLine

Program benefits provide

  • Early intervention and effective management of identified conditions
  • Improvement in academic, psychological, social and health areas
  • The opportunity to identify and work with student strengths thereby improving self-esteem and sense of belonging
  • Identified funding opportunities to access special programs

The benefits include

  • Strength in advocacy to authorise professionals involvement in management of each student access to Wrap Around Kids Online professionals
  • Improved understanding of individual strengths and areas of vulnerability
  • Improved family dynamics and sibling relationships
  • Information to navigate referral pathways
  • Receive Wrap Around Reports before everyone else!


Wrap Around Kids™ provides teachers with:


  • Professional development
  • Access to information and practical strategies
  • Multidisciplinary support as a key member of a collaborative team
  • Opportunity for contribution with other managing professionals to the individualized plan
  • Access to Wrap Around Kids OnLine Resource Centre and student assessment and reports
It is exciting to be in a team watching relationships develop between
parents, teachers and health professionals … the communication is still going which is great! 
Simone Ley, Speech Pathologist

The benefits include


  • More time to teach (when 1 in 5 students requires extra teacher time – better management provides it)
  • Improved understanding of different learning styles
  • Direct benefits for individual students and indirect benefits for the class
  • Improved student management during periods of change
  • Reduced teacher stress
Health and education are two fields that one would think would be established partners but in practice, despite many international studies identifying the benefits, this isn’t the case. 
Jude Foster, Managing Director,
Fostering Partnerships

WAKOL provides the tools to:

  1. Share information about a child with the key people involved in management
  2. Centralise parents’ storage of information critical to the support of their children
  3. Implement Wrap Around Kids™ atparticipating schools

Also provided are a wealth of resources in the form of Factsheets, Diagnostic Criteria, Rating Scales, Journal, Media and Web Articles, useful Internet Links and of course all the Forms and Letters for use by Schools.

Researchers will have the opportunity to analyse aggregated data, resulting in a better understanding of community needs.

WAKOL empowers parents, allowing them to decide who accesses their children’s records.

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Office Location

30 Carrier Street, BENALLA, VIC 3672